5 Tips for Growth from MTBOs

Here’s what 5 MTBO Mentors say about growing your business regardless of where you are in the journey:

  1. Kana Kamitsubo Markovic says “Keep experiencing the power of music for YOURSELF.”
  2. Meredith Hamons says “Having your emotional energy in balance does more for you than trying to manage your time.”
  3. Natalie Generally Kirk says “You can do it! Just be patient & believe in yourself, and it happens over time.”
  4. Noel Anderson says “Get a mentor. We don’t know everything… You’re going to learn so much faster if [a mentor] can give you guidance along the way.”
  5. Miya Adout says “Write down all the reasons you think this could work…. build a support team around you that’s going to share in that vision of why it’s going to work.”

Which tip is speaking to you right NOW? Where are you and where do you want to be? Listen in to their wisdom, and let us know in a comment.👇👇

5 MT Business Owner Tips for Growth

Join us again in 2022 and get ready to pack away tips on setting rates, setting goals, utilizing systems, signing up new clients, reaching next level goals, and building relationships to further your mission as a business owner.

Opt in and check your email to join our next MTBO Day!

Join the Waitlist for the MTBO Mentorship

Raise your hand & be the first to know when we open registration to the next MTBO Mentorship!

By joining this cohort, you will:

  • Explore creativity within the program development process
  • Set priorities so that you are living life by design
  • Become a magnet for funders who recognize your worth by giving head-turning presentations
  • Create a crystal clear vision so you know exactly where you’re going
  • Plan, prepare and execute your next level growth as a seasoned business owner


  1. The course is 6 weeks, but it says that the price is $95/month. Is the $95/month an ongoing charge to be a part of the group.
    I’m not currently in the VIP group- is there an additional fee to join that group when signing up for the course?
    I’m definitely interested in the course but business is down & my loan is coming due so I’m watching every penny. Thanks!

    • Hi Kathy! The course is available to VIP Members who enroll thru Monday, June 28th. The minimum cost will be $190 (which includes 2 VIP payments) if you’d like to claim your official CMTEs. The final evaluation to get your official CMTE certificate will become available August 3rd.

      When we were putting the program together, we felt that $190 for a 23 CMTE course with access to 100+ other CMTEs on our site was a great deal! Does this answer your question?

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