In case you haven’t signed up for our free CMTE gift for you…. A few great music therapists like Ron Borczon, Barbara Reuer, Meredith Pizzi, and John Carpente can’t wait to share with you what makes a successful music therapist!
Learn from them and more in our new Music Therapy Success Course, available to you FREE for 3 CMTEs.
And in the meantime, check out 7 things successful music therapists do differently…
1. We advocate.
“In the sixty-plus year development of our profession we have learned to be both flexible and savvy in our descriptions of music therapy. These well-honed skills have built a foundation for our profession to grow and expand in ways we didn’t think possible. And, in most recent years, our advocacy efforts have brought us to a place of greater acknowledgement and public awareness than we have ever experienced before.” ~ Dena Register, PhD, MT-BC
Resource :: Demonstrative Video of Hospital Setting with Matt Logan of UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
2. We market.
Successful music therapists know how to describe their services in a way that makes administrators and decision-makers WANT what we offer. We all know that music therapy can be cost-effective and life-changing. Successful music therapists can market themselves to attract their very best employment opportunities and/or clients.
Resource :: Music Therapy PayPers by Metro Music Therapy of Georgia
3. We collaborate.
“I find those who collaborate to be especially successful in helping the MT profession.” ~ Kaleigh Thomas, MT-BC
Sharing session ideas. Presenting at a local, regional, or national workshops or conferences. Participating in research studies. Check out our awesome instructors presenting at the AMTA National Conference this year! In fact, two Music Therapy Ed team members are teaching a CMTE. Check it out here!
4. We network.
Successful music therapists use networking to their advantage everyday. Through discussion with fellow colleagues, we develop new services and offerings, creatively brainstorm, and build new business ideas – all the time.
Resource :: The Networking Workbook by Michelle Erfurt
5. We continually evolve.
Over time, successful music therapists and grow within themselves AND through their practice.
“The music therapists I admire most are continually evolving and striving to better themselves and the profession with everything they do.” ~ Ellen Whealton, MA, MT-BC
6. We engage.
As you know music therapists actively engage and interact with clients or groups of clients in a music therapy session, but successful MTs also engage people outside of clients. Whether it is speaking with a large group of healthcare professionals or engaging in a conversation with a stranger in the elevator, a music therapist is constantly engaging — and ADVOCATING for this amazing field.
7. We plan.
Music therapists are creative individuals. We think of ways to change a song by tweaking, re-writing, or transposing, to make it work with a client’s current level of functioning. We may use a technique or strategy covered in a MusicTherapyEd course. Music therapists are planning and creatively thinking of ways to address our client’s goals and areas of functioning.
What do YOU think successful music therapists do differently?
Leave a comment below. (Links to resources are appreciated and encouraged!)
Be well, feel good, and make music!
Kat Fulton, Curator
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We recognize the similarities between seemingly different populations and behaviors. Children with autism and adults with Alzheimer’s /dementia have similar musical and cognitive strengths. Similar music therapy interventions can be used with both populations!