Music Therapy Ed

Music Therapy Ed

Mixed Abilities in Your Group?

Older adult groups are great for both you and the community you are serving: groups are practical, cost-efficient, and full of fun social experiences. However, groups also present a unique therapeutic challenge: mixed abilities. Whether it’s cognitive or physical, highs and lows are…

Ready to Talk $?

Let’s face it: talking money can be intimidating. When it comes to determining what to charge for group sessions, there are several factors at play. What is the cost of living where you are practicing? Weekly or monthly groups? Fixed…

Music Therapy for Valentine’s Day

Hello Leader In Healthcare! We wanted to shower you with LOVE before February arrived, so you’re prepared for your sessions. Affirmations are statements made in the present tense that describe something positive about your self. When you use them in…

Vote For Your FAVORITE Self-Care Strategies!

Voting is now over, and……….((drum roll, please…….)) Carolyn Dachinger was the WINNER of our Self-Care contest! She receives a copy of Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly. Congratulations, Carolyn!! We LOVE Music Therapists!!! Thank you all for participating and voting in…