Can I Get CMTEs for Mindstorm Monthly?

I MINDSTORM MONDAYSf you are a music therapist or counselor and require continuing education units for the CBMT (Certification Board for Music Therapists), then this post is for YOU! You can use Mindstorm Monthly webinars for credits by following these instructions:


To record credit for single webinars at least 50 minutes (1 contact hour) in length:

1. Visit, log in (or register), click on “Enter/Edit credits.”
2. Choose “Short Events” as the Credit Type.
3. Enter “Mindstorm Monthly Webinar at” as the Description.
4. Enter “” as the Location.
5. Enter the appropriate completion date – the date of the webinar.
6. Enter your appropriate number of credits (1 CMTE Credit for one, 50-minute-long webinar)
7. Click “Save.”

**You must attend 3 webinars under the same umbrella to CLAIM the credit. Keep reading…

Short events with related topics can be combined to form umbrella groupings if they relate to the same area of the CBMT Scope of Practice. So, if you have attended multiple (3 or more) webinars or other events that are each under 3 contact hours and have a unifying topic, you can combine these into umbrella groupings. See the CBMT Recertification Manual for examples of umbrella groupings and for further clarification. Placing events in an umbrella grouping and relating them to the CBMT Scope of Practice is the sole responsibility of the certificant, not the provider of the events.

To claim CMTE credits for 3 or more related events that are each 1-2 contact hours in length (umbrella groupings):
1. Visit, log in (or register), click on “Enter/Edit credits.”
2. Choose “Self-Study Courses” as the Credit Type.
3. Enter the title of the webinar and “Mindstorm Monthly Webinar” as the Description.
4. Enter “” as the Location.
5. Enter the appropriate completion date – the date of the webinar.
6. Enter your appropriate number of credits (1 CMTE Credit for one, 50-minute-long webinar)
7. Click “Save.”

That’s it! Now, if you get audited, you’ll need to provide the following information to CBMT to justify your participation:

1. Type out an essay that includes the following: “Mindstorm Monthly Webinar” as the title, “Sound Health Music” as the sponsor, and the featured MT as the instructor.
2. Your essay should be 250 words and include how the activity or activities relate(s) to the Scope of Practice.
3. Use the appropriate webinar pages and webinar content as a copy of the “brochure.” Please send an email to if you require assistance finding this information.
4. As proof of attendance in the webinar, please chat in during the event! We can provide a signature as proof to the CBMT of your attendance if you use your full name and chat throughout the event. OR if you purchase the webinar after the event takes place. Purchase Mindstorm Monthly webinars here.
5. Finally, provide the total number of contact hours.


  1. What if you’re a VIPer and you listen to the audio recordings of mind storm Mondays later (in other words, don’t chat to prove your attendance)? Can you still use these and write them up as you described?

    Thank you so much!

    • Erin, YES, as a VIP, we have record that you had access to the Mindstorm Mondays recordings. If you need proof from us, we may ask you questions about the recording to make sure you saw it, but that’s it! Thanks for asking.

  2. Finally someone who understands the need for details. Thank you for the time it takes to write out every little button to be pushed. Some of us truly need this. 🙂

  3. Yes, also wondering about if you view them on your own, i.e. not live?? How can participation be proved? Does that mean that you can’t count them?!

    • Hey Cynthia,
      Yes, if you view a Mindstorm Monday video on your own they still count! If you need proof from us, we may ask you questions about the recording to make sure you saw it, but that’s it! Thanks for asking.

  4. Thank you! This is fantastic news, and as a VIPer I really appreciate all the hard work you guys do to help us obtain our credits for recertification!

  5. This was soon helpful!! I did not realize we could keep track of our credits online, until I found this post! Thank you!!

  6. “**You must attend 3 webinars under the same umbrella to CLAIM the credit. Keep reading…”

    So, am I understanding properly that they must fall under umbrella groupings of at least 3 credits, and cannot be claimed as individual short events on their own?

    • Hi Rachel! Mindstorm Mondays can be claimed as short event credits on their own, and not just under umbrella credits. Thank you for your question!

  7. I’ve participated in a handful of Mindstorm Mondays and am claiming them as short events. Should I wait to see if I get audited to receive proof from you or is there a way to get that ahead of time. Is the 250 word essay for short events or just umbrella groupings? Thanks!

    • Hi Tori! We do not provide proof for Mindstorm Mondays, except the signature upon request. The 250 word essay is for both. Thx – Kat

  8. I noticed a comment about whether short events could stand alone (yes, up to 25 of them can), and thought that pasting a bit of the recertification manual info here might help someone who still had any questions regarding it.

    From the CBMT Recertification Manual, page 18.
    The Board Certified Music Therapist may earn up to 25 CMTE credits per cycle
    for this category. Documentation required, if audited.
    Courses valued at fewer than 3 CMTE credits each may be submitted up to a limit of 25 CMTE credits per five-year recertification cycle. The experiences in this category are similar to those applied under the Educational Courses category, except that they are valued at fewer than 3 CMTE credits and have no required evaluation component. Short events may be combined to form Umbrella groupings if they relate to the same area of the CBMT Scope of Practice.

    Page 23: (Documentation Required)
    Non-Approved Educational Courses and Umbrella Groupings
    1. The activity title
    2. The name of the activity sponsor
    3. The name of the instructor
    4. A written summary of the learning experience and its application to music therapy
    practice and the CBMT Scope of Practice (approximately 250 words)
    5. A copy of the brochure or syllabus for the activity
    6. A copy of the certificate or proof of attendance (signature of presenter/presider)
    7. The number of contact hours in the activity or program
    8. Umbrella groupings must list the unifying topic, session titles, date(s), and
    instructor(s) for each session and include items 1 – 7
    NOTE: Only one summary is required for umbrella grouping. The summary should
    tie together all of the sessions listed under an umbrella grouping. The information
    gained in the sessions should be adequately expressed and the learning occurred
    should be apparent.

    • I haven’t dealt with the audits, but I try to make a practice of taking at least one screen shot during a Mindstorm Monday. I am hoping it will help with proof of attendance for this digital event.

      CBMT Recertification Manual Page 25 (Required Documentation)

      The Board Certified Music Therapist may earn up to 25 CMTE credits per cycle
      for this category.
      1. A certificate or other proof of attendance at the event, with verification of the length of the activity 2. The signature of the presenter or presider, or an official certificate of attendance of the workshop or activity is acceptable as proof of attendance. A canceled check, name tag, or copy of workshop material is not acceptable proof of attendance.
      3. If certificate does not show number of hours/credits being claimed, other
      documentation showing this (i.e. brochure, schedule) should be included to verify credits.

  9. It says to enter the date completed as the date of the webinar- does that mean the actual date of the webinar or the date we watch it? Because I just watched one that turned out to be from 2014 and I want to make sure I’m putting the correct date!

  10. In regards to umbrella groupings: When entering them on the CBMT website, do we select individualized self study or standardized self study? Also, do you enter each 1 hour webinar and “hope” that CBMT realizes the different short events are sn umbrella grouping? Or do you put the titles of each of the webinars in the title/event/activity description box and the total number of hours? Thanks and Sorry; I just finished up listening to three great mindstrom webinars on self care / burnout and want to make sure I enter them correctly!

      • Hi, Kat and MusicTherapyEd World. I emailed my question above and wanted share the response I received:

        “Umbrella groupings are submitted under the Educational Course category. You will list it as an ‘umbrella grouping’ and the unifying topic under the Description field. The field is unlimited space, so you can include the names of the webinars in the same field.”

        Hope others will find that helpful as well!

        • Thank you so much for posting the response you got! I find the short events and umbrella groupings to be rather confusing in terms of submitting credits, and this helps!

    • Hi Ann! The way you need to do that is spelled out in the CBMT recertification manual. Check out the section on “unapproved credits.” Hope that helps!

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