
Free December Session Idea: Holiday Celebrations Songbook

Use this song for a Thanksgiving theme! Sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques", this song creates an opportunity to talk about Thanksgiving and a fun way for client's to talk about their favorite parts of Thanksgiving dinner.

Free November Session Idea: Thanksgiving Dinner

Use this song for a Thanksgiving theme! Sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques", this song creates an opportunity to talk about Thanksgiving and a fun way for client's to talk about their favorite parts of Thanksgiving dinner.

10th Birthday Scavenger Hunt 🥳

The party continues! 🎉 For Music Therapy Ed’s birthday, we are celebrating ten years of helping music therapists become leaders in healthcare with a fresh new online experience and a scavenger hunt! The grand prize is a Remo festival drum…

Trauma Informed Care ACE Quiz

Take The Trauma Informed Care ACE Quiz

According to the Adverse Childhood Events (ACE) study, the more trauma experienced in childhood, the more likely serious health problems arise later in life.

Free May Session Idea! Mandalorian Flute Song

Do you have clients who love Star Wars or the Mandalorian? Check out this video of our team member Beth playing the Mandalorian song on her bass recorder but it can be played on any size recorder.