When developing cultural sensitivity, it is helpful to have a guide to focus thoughts and increase awareness. This course helps the music therapist become more aware of ethical issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, class and socioeconomic status, as they relate to work and relationships in our increasingly diverse profession.
In addition to an overview of relevant literature on the topic, interviews with students and professionals provide thought-provoking examples of real-life circumstances related to cultural ethics in both personal and professional interactions. Tools for examining areas of potential bias and effective measures for seeking support when facing ethical issues are provided.
This course is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 3 CMTEs.
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About the Instructor

Robin Rio, MA, MT-BC
Robin Rio, MA, MT-BC, Associate Professor of Music Therapy, began teaching at Arizona State University in 1998, and is currently Director of the ASU Music Therapy Clinic. She teaches undergraduate and graduate classes for the Music Therapy Program, and also provides supervision to students who are doing clinical placements in the ASU clinic and in the many outreach programs in the community.
Robin Rio has published research in Music Therapy Perspectives, The Arts in Psychotherapy, Southwest Parkinson News, Nursing Spectrum, the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, The Journal of Music Therapy, and has a book chapter on Effective Music Therapy Practice with the Elderly in press with the Portuguese Society of Music Therapy.
Ms. Rio has also served the American Association of Music Therapy as the Western Region Vice President and Conference Chair, a member of the Assembly of Delegates, Chair of the Affiliate Relations Committee, member of the Judicial Review Board, and served on several nominating committees.
Kind Words
“After taking this course, I am inspired to pursue some sort of Community Music Therapy program in my private practice. I also liked how many different categories of ethics were included, such as in business, with our clients, and in our work settings. I would recommend this course because in addition to providing an overview to ethical considerations and being culturally aware, it gives some great food for thought on how we should look at culture, diversity and ethical standards within our music therapy culture. It really gave me a chance to become more aware of myself and think about specific situations with my clients.”
“I can easily differentiate ethics when it comes to the black and white, but gray areas are harder for me to distinguish. This course has definitely heightened my awareness of other cultures, how my own values affect my therapeutic relationship, and how those of my client have a role as well. I see the value of doing thorough research and incorporating elements of their cultural music to facilitate their comfort and create an optimal environment for their progress. I would recommend this course because I feel like I am much better equipped to work with those of other cultures and to limit and try to prevent any biases or prejudices on my part, even if they are subtle.”
“Before taking the course, I wasn’t sure if I would actually WANT to follow through and do the work necessary to get the course done. Turns out, I found the content very interesting and got it done really quickly! I loved the interviews with people from diverse backgrounds and I think I will be much more aware of cultural differences in the future, how my own cultural identities play a role in my interactions with clients, and be more aware of even subtle discrimination out there in the world. I would definitely recommend this course because it fulfills the ethics requirement, it’s super simple to take from your home, the content is interesting, and the presentation style is engaging. I think I’m hooked on MusicTherapyEd courses!”
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CBMT Relationship: Cultural Ethics: 51 Shades of Grey with Robin Rio, MA, MT-BC is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 3 Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. Sound Health Music, Approved Provider #P-110, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria. Please view the required CBMT information.