Give your clients a theme of love for the month of February using this awesome rewrite of Kelly Clarkson’s “Heartbeat Song” to help clients connect with the music and their own rhythms.
- Print out the lead sheet for the rewrite of Heartbeat Song included.
- Use the lead sheet as a reference for yourself in playing the song or hand out copies for clients to read from
- Teach re-written lyrics
- Read through lyrics with clients
- Demonstrate by singing through the song
- Invite clients to sing along as many times as needed to learn the lyrics
- Pass out instruments
- Allow clients to choose a drum or instrument to play or pass them out if appropriate
- Explain group music making experience
- Instruct clients that while singing through the song, there will be lyrical breaks with time for clients to improvise on their instruments
- You can either have clients play all together during these times or indicate a way that you will choose different clients to play at different times
- i.e. pointing to individuals to indicate their turn, having clients choose the person that goes next by pointing, indicating specific groups of instruments to play each time, etc.
- Begin singing the song
- Sing as many times as appropriate for your session
- Adaptations:
- Include discussion
- Topics could include- rhythm and how we feel it in our bodies, how the improvisation made clients feel, instruments played and what the clients thoughts on them were, etc.
- Have clients play their own heartbeat
- Have clients place a hand over their heart to feel what their heartbeat feels like.
- Ask them each to take a turn playing what that rhythm feels like on their instrument
- Include discussion
Looking forward
Sounds like a commanding session thank you.
Thank you kindly!