Free February Session Idea: The Relax Song

A rewrite of “The Lazy Song” by Bruno Mars – you can utilize this song with a variety of clients to encourage relaxation, discussion, instrument play and more!


  1. Introduce the song
  2. Group participation options
    • Singing together
      • Everyone sings along at their own comfort level with the prewritten version
      • Use the fill-in-the-blank provided in the lead sheet to have clients write their own verses
    • Instrument play
      • Pass out small percussion instruments to the group
      • You can assign simple patterns to incorproate some rhythm work as well
    • Guided imagery
      • As you play and sing, guide participants to visualize something relaxing
        • i.e. Imagine you’re sitting on a peaceful beach, feeling the warmth of the sung and hearing waves.
        • Have clients identify what setting they are most relaxed in and have them visualize that.
  3. Final reflections
    • Engage clients in a discussion about their experience during the song
    • Possible discussion questions:
      • How did it feel to sing or listen to the music? Or write your own verse?
      • Did the expeirence help you feel more relaxed?
      • What imagery or feelings came to mind while listening?
  4. Closing
    • If you’d like to wrap up the experience with a moment of togetherness, you can sing the chorus one more time with the group or hum the melody all together.
  5. Adaptations
    • For non-verbal clients – focus on instrument play and humming instead of singing
    • For really high energy groups – Start with something like a high energy rhythm exercise that then transitions into the beginning of the relax song
    • For smaller groups or individuals – focus on the fill-in-the-blank verse or more discussion about individual experiences about relaxation and what that individual enjoys

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