Piano Improv IS for Everybody

Last week we covered guitar chops. This week it’s piano.

Contrary to popular belief, piano improv IS for everybody! We’ve made it easy for you to set your clients up for immediate success. Watch this video to see my handy chord progression in action with a REAL “non-musician.” Watch for the glissando at the end! My neighbor Clyde does a great job!

I also have a free chord progression download with accompanying recording available to you. You have two options:

(1) Click here to play it in real time on your mobile or desktop. JUST CLICK “PLAY.” You can *literally* play this recording in the background while your client jams on black keys… He/she will sound AWESOME! (No piano chops necessary on YOUR part.) OR…

Piano Improv IS for everybody!

(2) Download the chord sheet here (Right click, then “Save As”) to print it up and read from the arrangement:

I hope you like it, and more importantly, I hope you can use it in your practice!

Be well, feel good, and make MUSIC! Kat

P.S. HUGE props to my old jazz teacher Jay Jay who taught the above improvisation trick to me. If you are in San Diego, then you gotta get a lesson with him! =)


  1. Thank you for the keyboard information!! I have been overwhelmed over the amount of keyboards that are out there and have often wondered what keyboards work well for travel as a music therapist. Thank you also for the video demonstration and music. That makes me a little less trepidatious in using piano in my sessions for improvisation. Where did you get the marimba…what brand is it? Thank you!

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