How to apply therapeutic skills to advocacy

I had no idea I was learning about music therapy advocacy at the time. Sitting in a music therapy course in grad school, I heard Dr. Standley repeat “adapt, adapt, adapt.” Over and over those words would echo in almost every class that semester. And then she repeated them in the next semester in the subsequent course. At first I thought “I’m in grad school. I’m not dumb. You only have to say it once.” But with every repetition, different scenarios and images came to me.

Mulling the words over and over forced me to apply “adaptation” to a variety of scenarios. AND, best part, that mantra helped me realize what I’ve adapted in my life before that I can replicate in future instances.

How Judy Simpson teaches us to adapt

Similarly, Judy Simpson describes how we can apply our therapeutic skills to advocacy efforts. Adapting those skills may help to relieve frustration. Hit play to check out this advocacy analogy:

Advocacy and ethics go hand in hand. Let’s say you witness an organization or individual misrepresenting our field. In that case, you need to be fully equipped and ready to respond in an ethical and professional manner. Check out Rachelle Norman’s Web Ethics course, and arm yourself with internet etiquette. This course fulfills the ethics requirement!

Here’s what you’ll experience:

  • Learn how to use the internet to develop professional relationships.
  • Understand ethical implications of the 3 relationship dyads: with the general public, with clients, and with your employer and colleagues.
  • Feel empowered when using the web to educate, share, or exchange with others through familiar mediums. (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)

Join us in the course today!

Music Therapy Advocacy

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