In a nutshell, take heed when serving the following:
- People who have been sexually abused
- People who are experiencing PTSD
- People who are experiencing severe or unusual agitation (especially those with dementia)
If you’d like to REALLY dig in to drum circle facilitation, then take Christine Stevens’ Drum Circle Facilitation CMTE course. By taking the course, you will:
- Watch 10 segments to power up your skills and help you feel confident in a group.
- Learn how to start a drum circle from scratch, with strangers, so that by the end of your group, everyone will feel like family.
- Understand the best setup and preparation system for the circle so that you can communicate to your host and helpers in a clear and empowering way.
- Look like a PRO with the way you use cues and create a natural flow with your groups.
- Last but not least, you will view video coverage of drum circle facilitation all over the world, working with people with special needs, corporation, and the general public.
Kind Words About Christine
Christine’s thorough descriptions and explanations, and then seeing it all implemented several times over as others learned and practiced. I loved being able to rewind and listen and watch, over and over–anything I didn’t at first get! Hearing, seeing and practicing, and then coming back to watch again! I definitely will use drumming with more confidence now and, hopefully, with more settings and populations.
Deborah Shell, MT-BC | Knoxville, TN
I knew the quality of Christine’s course would be excellent, because I’ve taken Music Therapy Ed courses before 😄 After taking her course, I will be much more likely to accept and/or seek out opportunities to lead drum circles. I will also be trying some of these cues with my current client populations. I really enjoyed being able to watch a live workshop–that was really neat! I thought the information was great and I loved being able to see everything she was talking about happening naturally and organically on the video.
Elyse Kochmanski, MT-BC | North Ponawanda, NY