I made a guest appearance on the Music Therapy Chronicles podcast last week! Listen on your drive, or while doing dishes or laundry. (I do podcasts during laundry – makes it so relaxing!) And learn the story of how Music Therapy Ed today serves thousands of leaders in healthcare, including over 500 exclusive members. PLUS, we’ve put tens of thousands of dollars into the very well-deserving pockets of our subject matter experts, your colleagues, our instructors… I continue to bust through personal mindset blocks to amplify our impact. We’ve only just begun.
We started with zero, zilch, nadda, nothing, and YOU CAN TOO. Do you have a dream that you want to make come true? Listen to my trials and tribulations that have landed us in the blessed place we are now.
And by the way, I’m not kidding when I say- we’re just getting warmed up over here!
Read more here:
Here’s my short bio:
Kat Fulton is a passionate speaker and advocate for music therapy. She’s been quoted in major media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, HuffPo, and Epoch Times. She’s the founder of the premier site for music therapy continuing education MusicTherapyEd.com.
Music Therapy Ed. on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram.
Here are some resources I mentioned:

Rachel Rambach, MM, MTBC (check out Rachel’s episode!)
Kimberly Sena Moore, MT-BC
The Drumify™ Dances for Older Adults DVD
Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, MA
If you or someone you know is interested in being on the podcast, please email Tricia at feedback@musictherapychronicles.com
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It would be awesome for your to support the Chronicles podcast! Thanks for tuning in.
Be well, Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC, Founder Music Therapy Ed